Requirements and Safety

Download “Important Information”
Please note
- A normal level of fitness and good physical condition is necessary to take part (for example, no cardiac problems or poor circulation).
- Sturdy, closed shoes (a must) and durable hiking clothes with long trousers are required, as well as hiking clothes with a long-sleeved jacket + long pants (recommended).
- There is no predefined time for the duration of a scooter trip, which can vary considerably depending on participants. On average, trips last 90 minutes, or 120 minutes for larger groups.
- For regular scooter trips, you should aim to be at the valley station of the Schauinsland cable car 45 minutes before the start time, allowing 60 minutes is even better. Scooters are issued exclusively at the back of the mountain cable car station. The return of scooters using the cable car is carried out by us.
- Please use the current weather information + webcam for the Schauinsland.
Firm, closed footwear is an imperative. If you come barefoot, in sandals or similar, you will not be allowed to take part in a scooter ride. We recommend wearing durable hiking clothes with, depending on outside temperature, a lightweight, long-sleeved jacket and long trousers. Wearing shorts or T-shirts will easily lead to grazes in the event of even smalle accidents. The scooter track begins at an altitude of 1220m and then leads along the north side of the Schauinsland through predominantly deciduous and coniferous forests. As such, temperatures are lower than in Freiburg, making a scooter trip a refreshing activity on hot summer days.
The following 3 requirements are imperative in order for your to take part:
- Minimum age of 12
- Minimum height of 150cm (to ensure safe operation of the scooter)
- Maximum weight 120kg.
If minors want to take part on their own, a parent or legal guardian is required to give informal written consent.
For your Safety
- Before the scooter trip, all participants receive a basic briefing regarding the operation of our high tech scooters. Make sure to get used in particular to operating the two hydraulic brakes.
- Helmets, elbow-, knee guards and gloves are provided as safety equipment.
- For reasons of safety, participants go down in loose groups followed by our knowledgeable scooter guide who is on hand to help with punctures or other problems.
- The scooter trip is weather dependent: due to decreased traction in rain or snow, no scooter trips will then take place.
- It is not possible to take part in a scooter trip if wearing open shoes (such as slip on shoes or sandals) due to the risk of injury.
- The Downinsland Scooter Track is clearly marked with over 70 signs to prevent you from getting lost.
- It is forbidden to take part in a scooter trip when under the influence of alcohol!
Further information can be found here.
FGS 03/2019